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Showing posts from 2021

Mercy Bar and Lounge

  This is a wine bar with a very laid back yet classy vibe.   The wine selection is not that expansive, however the wines they do have are very good.  The food selection is great and I liked that you can also get a cheese tray with your wine.   They had live music which also added to the ambiance.  The lights are dim.  Lots of spaced out seating without feeling like you're being reminded about Covid.  Yet it felt very safe.  The service is also superb.  This is an excellent place for an unpretentious date night.  A date could be romantic, or chill here depending on your liking.  Two thumbs up!

Winter Driving Tips For Texans

    1. After a freeze and during freezing precipitation, until the temperature is above 35 degrees, don't drive above 35 mph. 2. Avoid highways 3. If you do slide, turn your wheel in to the direction that your car is sliding and repetitively tap your breaks.  This will help you gain control of your car. 4. Regardless of how fast others are going, go at your own pace..  They could have winter tires, an emergency situation or just not care that it's dangerous.   Stay Safe!  

Biorhythm Compatibility in Couples for an easier life!

Lately I've been studying Biorhythms to determine how compatible two people are.  Biorhythms are a step up from zodiac compatibility in that it's a scientific equation.  Some argue that its not accurate, however a lot of people trust it, it was used to determine Michael Jackson's date of death, and in my studying Biorhythms I've found that they line up with people I've dated in the past as well as other people's romantic relationships.  To test the compatibility of you and your mates Biorhythms click this link: You can also use a person's individual Biorhythm to determine their mind set on any given day to get insight on how to properly deal with them. The hypothesis about Biorhythms on Wikepedia states: The theory was developed by  Wilhelm Fliess  in the late 19th century, and was popularized in the United States in late 1970s. Basic rhythm details Physical cycle 23 days; Circavigintan coordination strength w