Dallas/Fort Worth: Soul Rebels Brass Band, Beer Bourbon and Brisket Festival, Addison Oktoberfest, Haunted Houses, and the 2nd Annual Oak Cliff Jazz Festival Tonight.
The Soul Rebels Brass Band is playing today at the Granada Theater. 3524 Greenville Ave., Dallas. They go on at 7pm tickets are about $20. To purchase tickets go to http://granadatheater.com/ Here's a clip of them performing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NFveYINCjY
The 2nd Annual Oak Cliff Jazz Fest/Arts & Crafts Fair is today at Labyrinth Walk Coffee House at UU Church of Oak Cliff. 3839 W. Kiest Blvd. It goes until 10pm For more info go to http://www.oakcliffjazzfest.org/#sthash.i20MGz1c.dpbs
The 2014 Beer, Bourbon & Brisket Festival is today and Panther Island Pavilion in Fort Worth! 395 Purcey St. It starts at 5pm. For info go to http://jackontheweb.cbslocal.com/beer-bourbon-brisket-festival-2014/
Moxley Manor Haunted House in Bedford is open. It cost $17 and is at 510 Harwood. For info go to http://moxleymanor.com/
The Strangling Brothers Haunted Circus at the Irving Mall is also open. For tickets and info go to http://www.stranglingbrotherstexas.com/
Addison Oktoberfest continues today at Addison Circle Park! 4970 Addison Circle. For info go to http://www.addisontexas.net/events/oktoberfest/
Go Play Loves!
The 2nd Annual Oak Cliff Jazz Fest/Arts & Crafts Fair is today at Labyrinth Walk Coffee House at UU Church of Oak Cliff. 3839 W. Kiest Blvd. It goes until 10pm For more info go to http://www.oakcliffjazzfest.org/#sthash.i20MGz1c.dpbs
The 2014 Beer, Bourbon & Brisket Festival is today and Panther Island Pavilion in Fort Worth! 395 Purcey St. It starts at 5pm. For info go to http://jackontheweb.cbslocal.com/beer-bourbon-brisket-festival-2014/
Haunted Houses
The Strangling Brothers Haunted Circus at the Irving Mall is also open. For tickets and info go to http://www.stranglingbrotherstexas.com/
Addison Oktoberfest continues today at Addison Circle Park! 4970 Addison Circle. For info go to http://www.addisontexas.net/events/oktoberfest/
Go Play Loves!
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