Dallas/Fort Worth: Discounted State Fair Admission, Michael Blackson, Corvette Chevy Expo, and Haunted Houses.
$8 to get in to the fair everyday after 5pm with a Dr. Pepper can. State Fair Classic is today!
The Chevy Corvette Expo is today at Dallas Market Hall on N Stemmons Frwy and Wycliff Ave. Admission is $15 and it goes until 7pm. For more info go to http://corvettechevyexpo.com/
Michael Blackson is at the Improv in Arlington tonight. His Shows are at 7pm and 9:30pm. Go to www.improv.com and click Arlington for tickets.
There's Salsa music and dancing tonight and every Saturday night at San Salvaje. 2100 Ross Ave., Dallas. The party starts at 9pm.
Haunted Houses:
The Boneyard
2921 E Division St., Arlington
Dark Hour Haunted House
701 Taylor Dr., Plano
Moxley Manor
510 Harwood Rd., Bedford
Strangling Brothers Haunted Circus
3880 Irving Mall., Irving
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